Many of our visitors often ask if Emerald Isle is named after Ireland’s famous nickname, “Emerald Isle.” They also wonder if our Emerald Isle in North Carolina was somehow founded by an Irishman. Let’s dive into some history and found out!

Where is Emerald Isle?
Emerald Isle is located within the Crystal Coast, also known as the “Southern Outer Banks,” in North Carolina on the Bogue Banks. This 12-mile stretch of island is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean and the Bogue Inlet Sound. Travel to the island is made easiest by using one of two bridges that cross Bogue Sound. Of which, the Cameron Langston Bridge is the most direct route to Emerald Isle.
History of the Town of Emerald Isle
As much of American History can tell us, Native Americans inhabited this land before the Colonial Times. However, settlers soon realized the fishing and marine life of this coast was extremely valuable.

Many whalers and fishermen made the island their hunting grounds until in 1920, Mr. Henry Fort acquired ownership of this land. His goal was to create a brand new Summer tourist location but was unable to finish his development.

Upon Mr. Fort’s death, his daughter, Ms. Anita Maulick sold lots of Emerald Isle land to 7 individuals. Each individual agreed the land should remain family-oriented. Therefore, they limited commercial development on the island to make way for single-family homes. In 1960, ferry service began from North Carolina’s mainland, and finally, in 1971 the Cameron Langston Bridge was complete. Allowing tourism to Emerald Isle to skyrocket each Summer and more development to continue over time.

So..Where did Emerald Isle get its Name?
Before development began to block out the island as a new tourist destination, a Florida consultant visited. During his flyover of the island, the lands of North Carolina with its lush maritime forests against the sparkling blues of the ocean gave him a brilliant idea. Hence, the name “Emerald Isle” was born. These maritime forests inhabit incredible flora and fauna such as Sea Turtles, White Egrets, Wax myrtle, Holly, and Sea Oats. They are also essential to the island’s shoreline as a windscreen and protector of the constant movement of the coast. The name Emerald Isle was born and stands to remain a beautiful indicator of the incredibly diverse wildlife and coastal estuaries along the Crystal Coast.

No matter its name, Emerald Isle is one of USA Today’s Top 10 NC Best Beaches.
From its small southern town feel to its town slogan, “Nice Matters,” Emerald Isle is the perfect family beach getaway in North Carolina. It has thousands of Emerald Isle Vacation rentals for large groups to small, more than 75 public ocean beach access sites, more than 25 public sound access sites, and maintains more than 350 public beach access parking spaces on or near the oceanfront. With Emerald Isle’s key town value to maintain a family beach small-town atmosphere and the many events held throughout the year, this is the perfect North Carolina beach to visit.
If you are searching for your perfect vacation rental property in Emerald Isle, contact PDL Beach Properties today! If you’d like to learn more about Emerald Isle, read this list of fast facts provided by the town of Emerald Isle.